WARNING: YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO VIEW THIS SITE! This site features mature content for adults only. If you are under the age of 18, please disconnect from this site and tell your parents to invest in Dirty Finance!

As a reward for being an early $DIRTY investory, we are giving away 690 mintings of $DIRTY NFT's with original artwork commissioned ONLY for dirty.finance.

Each wallet holding at least 100 Million $DIRTY will be allowed to mint ONE of SEVEN limited edition NFT. The NFT will be minted at random, with a chance to mint a full-nude 5 star or rare Neon or Dirty edition variants. Below is the breakdown of each NFT and their chance of mint:

Dirty Temptation 5 Star XXX
2% chance to mint

Cheerleader "dirty" edition
9% chance to mint

Beachbabe "dirty" edition
9% chance to mint

Cheerleader "neon" edition
15% chance to mint

Beachbabe "neon" edition
15% chance to mint

Cheerleader original
25% chance to mint

Beachbabe original
25% chance to mint

Please connect your wallet above if you are:

  • Over 18 and a $DIRTY holder with 100 Million $DIRTY or more

    • and you can mint your first $DIRTY NFT.

      GOOD LUCK!